Viata mea a luat o intorsatura foarte ciudata.Chiar intorsatura e cuvantul potrivit. Am o noua familie/gashka/casa/tara/preocupare, chiar un nou stil vestimanetar,nou job, nou sef, toate toate tinand evident de context si fiind cu termen de expirare pe 20 decembrie, cand voi incheia aceasta aventura.
Acum 2 saptamani viata era in felul urmator: locuiam in deplina libertate in apartamentul din St cel mare (libertate deranjant limitata de cei 49m patrati in care ma invart), vorbeam doar romana, plateam cu lei, masinile circulau pe dreapta, pretul unui bilet de autobus era 10mii lei, jonglam intre 2 perechi de blugi si ma chinuiam sa adaptez o noua pereche de adidasi picioarelor mele. Am renuntat la multe perechi de incaltaminte noi pt ca nu izbuteam sa trec de cele cateva zile de durere insuportabila. De data asta am renuntat la noii mei "adidasi" pentru ca lucrez intr-un birou, la un birou, cu hartii si dosare, calculator si, server, se pare, telefoane, faxuri,imprimante, colegi, proiecte si multe alte chestii pe care inca nu le-am inteles.
Apartamentul meu din Bucuresti este acum inlocuit de o casa cu 2 etaje, curte, 2 bai etc etc. Libertatea este sensibil limitata de cei 2 noi parinti. Dupa trei ani de studentie m-am intors la viata de liceu.Ma trezesc cu un fenomen foarte ciudat...cineva, angelic, a pregatit ceva pt micul dejun, si apa este deja pregatita in fierbator pt cafea (tot ce trece de waterboiler,microunde sau vid depaseste cunostintele unui englez). totusi, acea persoana care se asigura ca ma incarc cu energie matinala, cu cereale si chestii ciudate de orz, imi doreste o zi buna, promitand sa ma astepte cu cina. As exagera mult sa spun ca am avut acest lux in liceu. Si ies la buclucasul autobus, care in fiecare dimineata transporta aceeasi oameni la aceeasi ora. Dar cu 2 minute inainte sa soseasca autobusul trece un tatic britt-pop cu cei 2 copii (si eu in fiecare dimineata analizez ridurile in speranta ca poate e doar un frate mai mare, responsabil si abordabil). Noi, copiii de la scoala germana , aveam un mare privilegiu in trecut, si anume un autobus numit cursa speciala, care ne lua de acasa si ne ducea la scoala, supravegheati de invatatoare.In aceasta cursa speciala, ca si in autobusul 47A care imi ofera plimbarea matinala pana la servici, erau/sunt mereu acelasi fete, exceptie vreo 2, 3 persoane care se schimba prin rotatie, ca sa nu se piarda puncte la capitolul "fetze noi". Fetze palide, deprimate...dar ce sa te si astepti din acest mare "Lower Uncton", unde ploua incontinuu, si simt uneori ca as vrea o lanterna pe timpul zilei.
Si aceeasi 3 colegi care ajung mereu inaintea mea, carora le pregatesc cafeaua cu toata mandria mea de practicanta.Seful intarzie mereu 30 min, timp care imi confera ocazia sa scriu pe blog despre nimic.
Si azi as vrea sa merg la o petrecere in alt oras si sa nu dorm acasa,trebuie sa cer voie?
Asadar, de la studenta independenta cu apartament propriu si fara restrictii impuse, am revenit la stadiu de locuit cu "parinti". Si de la somnul de 12 ore, terminat cu o cafea preluuungita si multe ore de stat degeaba (si ce bine e!) am ajuns sa ma trezesc zilnic la 7 si sa ma proptesc 8 ore in fat unui calculator. Si tocmai a intrat seful si mi-a adus programul pt conferinta de 2 zile la care vom merge impreuna.
Totusi, life is bloody awesome, innit?
Friday, September 29, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
And if a doubledecker bus,crushes into us....
My new very favourite adventure in England is to take the bus. Simple as that!
I'm used to the fact that they go in different directions than in the rest of Europe.But still, never seen sth like this before.
In the morning, very confident, trying to get the bus. Look right as you cross the street, walk over to the bus stop, make sure twice that you will take it in right direction and, like the heineken- commercial- really- cute guy says :"now we wait"....and i wait , and wait , and there is no bus.So, feeling touristicly, i ask the common old lady that you see in every bus stop, why the bus doesn't show up. Very surprised, she tells me i was waiting on the wrong side. But not because i had picked the wrong lane, simply because the busses in England do not go on 2 ways. Meaning, you can only take it in one direction, which will take you in a circle round the city, but never go back.To come back, you need a whole different busnumber, which of course, may change it's track during the day.
And, the price of all this bloody annoying adventure is 48 pounds per month, meaning about 80 euro, about 2.500.000 rol!!!
Let's walk!
I'm used to the fact that they go in different directions than in the rest of Europe.But still, never seen sth like this before.
In the morning, very confident, trying to get the bus. Look right as you cross the street, walk over to the bus stop, make sure twice that you will take it in right direction and, like the heineken- commercial- really- cute guy says :"now we wait"....and i wait , and wait , and there is no bus.So, feeling touristicly, i ask the common old lady that you see in every bus stop, why the bus doesn't show up. Very surprised, she tells me i was waiting on the wrong side. But not because i had picked the wrong lane, simply because the busses in England do not go on 2 ways. Meaning, you can only take it in one direction, which will take you in a circle round the city, but never go back.To come back, you need a whole different busnumber, which of course, may change it's track during the day.
And, the price of all this bloody annoying adventure is 48 pounds per month, meaning about 80 euro, about 2.500.000 rol!!!
Let's walk!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Good old Plymouth
Well, this is the point where i post a blog in english, for some new and old friends from all over.
Thanks to a scholarship, through the Leonardo DaVinci programme, i will be spending the next three months in England, city called Plymouth, in the very South, by the Ocean.
The city is pretty weird, might say ugly. Except for some gorgeous sights. The city center is not really interesting, includes the tipical pedestrian area, with many shops and restaurants. They forced some palmtrees in, very unappropiate for the English spirit.
Nevertheless ,the city it is quite important for their and the worldwide history. The Mayflower started out from Plymouth, so big part of the world was colonized from here.
One of my favourite parts so far is the Central Park, a huge savage park in the middle of the city.


And then, there is THE HOE, one of the most beatiful spots i've ever seen. Luckily, I had bright sunny days and managed to get some good shots of the seaside. As you can see, there are large green spaces next to the sea, where the people lay in the grass, enjoy the sun and the view. There many ships to be seen at the horizon, so nice by night as well!

They say the beatles have a famous picture next to the lighthouse of Plymouth. i should look it up at some point, i was to lazy to do it so far. Meanwhile, here is the picture of the lighthouse, appearing on every postcard. I can understand now how the beatles got their fame :
" who are those guys next to the lighthouse in plymouth?" who made who famous?
Who will colonize who?The story is about to begin...
carlatoria continua
Thanks to a scholarship, through the Leonardo DaVinci programme, i will be spending the next three months in England, city called Plymouth, in the very South, by the Ocean.
The city is pretty weird, might say ugly. Except for some gorgeous sights. The city center is not really interesting, includes the tipical pedestrian area, with many shops and restaurants. They forced some palmtrees in, very unappropiate for the English spirit.
Nevertheless ,the city it is quite important for their and the worldwide history. The Mayflower started out from Plymouth, so big part of the world was colonized from here.
One of my favourite parts so far is the Central Park, a huge savage park in the middle of the city.


And then, there is THE HOE, one of the most beatiful spots i've ever seen. Luckily, I had bright sunny days and managed to get some good shots of the seaside. As you can see, there are large green spaces next to the sea, where the people lay in the grass, enjoy the sun and the view. There many ships to be seen at the horizon, so nice by night as well!

They say the beatles have a famous picture next to the lighthouse of Plymouth. i should look it up at some point, i was to lazy to do it so far. Meanwhile, here is the picture of the lighthouse, appearing on every postcard. I can understand now how the beatles got their fame :

Who will colonize who?The story is about to begin...
carlatoria continua
Friday, September 22, 2006
Anglia si noua mea familie
Anglia e o tara putin diferita de ce cunosteam eu. cred ca acum traiesc socul cultural :)
mi-e fica de cate ori trec strada. din feicire unii mi-au anticipat teama si scrie pe trotuar "look right" , dar asta la foarte putine treceri. acum 2 zile a trebuit sa iau autobusul. am stat aproximativ 2 minute pana sa imi dau seama ca eram pe partea gresita, timp suficient cat sa ratez cursa.
mi-ar placea sa fac o zi de ghidarie aici, pe un autocar local,evident.
englezii au o mancare foarte proasta. ce e in conserva e bun! mananca foarte ciudat, cu mult ketchup si mayonesa si sosuri ciudate de miere si menta. ieri am invatat o mancare "traditionala" si anume cartofi prajiti cu muuult ketchup intre 2 felii de paine hmmmmmm
totusi cea mai mare problema o am cu robinetii. nu stiu de ce, la chiuvete sunt 2 robineti , unul cu apa rece si unul cu apa calda. adica unul fierbinte si unu bocna. se gaesc tot felul de variante incomode de a amesteca apa in pumn, sau pe jumate de fata cu apa rece pe cealalta cu aa fierbinte, deodata, foarte ciudat sentiment. fratele meu iordanian, mohamed, care sta si el cu noi in casa, a zis ca metoda lui e sa dea drumul la apa calda si sa faca totul repede , pana apa nu se supaincalzeste. raman cam 15 secunde. alt arab a luat o sticla e plastic gauri pt ambii robineti si jos una comuna pt apa amestecata. nici englezii nu stiu de ce traiesc cu astfel de disconforturi, dar le place!! (robineti sau robinete?) la dus e normal, altfel ar fi prea distractiv :)
noii mei parinti, jill (careia eu ii spun angela in mintea mea) si tony sunt 2 fosti hippies, cu tatuaje, 5 copii si 9 nepoti, casa e mereu plina.
pe langa asta am si fratii mei, hostbrothers: deea , pe care unii o cunosc pesonal, altii din povesti, Mohamed, iordanian, si Yerlin din Kazakstan.

Sa ne oprim la Yerlin. eu nu credeam ca exista asa o persoana. Cand a ajuns, cu toate gentile pe umar, a scos o hartie si a citit :" i don't speak english! can i smoke? can i drink beer on the street" si de atunci orice ii spunem el spune "don't understand" . totusi incepem sa comunicam si cu el, ii explicam cum se mananca cerealele la micul dejun, ce e un vas de croaziera, si ca nu, nu putem inota pana la vasul de croaziera :))
are 25 de ani, e imbracat foarte bine si detine super chestii tehnologice gen mobil , laptop etc. totusi, nu stiu ce e cu el...ieri a prins curaj sa zica ceva. sa ne intrebe ceva. si a venit atat de concentrat cu intrebarea preformulata, incat a intrat din plin in usa de sticla de la bucatarie. de cate ori propunem sa vedem un film el insista sa ne uitam la dumb and dumber . si de cate ori incepe o propozitie o termina foarte hotarat in rusa. o sa il filmez candva.
mi-e fica de cate ori trec strada. din feicire unii mi-au anticipat teama si scrie pe trotuar "look right" , dar asta la foarte putine treceri. acum 2 zile a trebuit sa iau autobusul. am stat aproximativ 2 minute pana sa imi dau seama ca eram pe partea gresita, timp suficient cat sa ratez cursa.
mi-ar placea sa fac o zi de ghidarie aici, pe un autocar local,evident.
englezii au o mancare foarte proasta. ce e in conserva e bun! mananca foarte ciudat, cu mult ketchup si mayonesa si sosuri ciudate de miere si menta. ieri am invatat o mancare "traditionala" si anume cartofi prajiti cu muuult ketchup intre 2 felii de paine hmmmmmm
totusi cea mai mare problema o am cu robinetii. nu stiu de ce, la chiuvete sunt 2 robineti , unul cu apa rece si unul cu apa calda. adica unul fierbinte si unu bocna. se gaesc tot felul de variante incomode de a amesteca apa in pumn, sau pe jumate de fata cu apa rece pe cealalta cu aa fierbinte, deodata, foarte ciudat sentiment. fratele meu iordanian, mohamed, care sta si el cu noi in casa, a zis ca metoda lui e sa dea drumul la apa calda si sa faca totul repede , pana apa nu se supaincalzeste. raman cam 15 secunde. alt arab a luat o sticla e plastic gauri pt ambii robineti si jos una comuna pt apa amestecata. nici englezii nu stiu de ce traiesc cu astfel de disconforturi, dar le place!! (robineti sau robinete?) la dus e normal, altfel ar fi prea distractiv :)
noii mei parinti, jill (careia eu ii spun angela in mintea mea) si tony sunt 2 fosti hippies, cu tatuaje, 5 copii si 9 nepoti, casa e mereu plina.
pe langa asta am si fratii mei, hostbrothers: deea , pe care unii o cunosc pesonal, altii din povesti, Mohamed, iordanian, si Yerlin din Kazakstan.

Sa ne oprim la Yerlin. eu nu credeam ca exista asa o persoana. Cand a ajuns, cu toate gentile pe umar, a scos o hartie si a citit :" i don't speak english! can i smoke? can i drink beer on the street" si de atunci orice ii spunem el spune "don't understand" . totusi incepem sa comunicam si cu el, ii explicam cum se mananca cerealele la micul dejun, ce e un vas de croaziera, si ca nu, nu putem inota pana la vasul de croaziera :))
are 25 de ani, e imbracat foarte bine si detine super chestii tehnologice gen mobil , laptop etc. totusi, nu stiu ce e cu el...ieri a prins curaj sa zica ceva. sa ne intrebe ceva. si a venit atat de concentrat cu intrebarea preformulata, incat a intrat din plin in usa de sticla de la bucatarie. de cate ori propunem sa vedem un film el insista sa ne uitam la dumb and dumber . si de cate ori incepe o propozitie o termina foarte hotarat in rusa. o sa il filmez candva.
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